Chicken madness

Simple recipe for the indolent human beings who loves to eat =) IMG_2161Simple two steps chinese fried chicken

1. Marinate the chicken with 2 teaspoon of chopped garlic and ginger ( add more ginger or garlic to your preference), 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon pepper, and chicken stock.
2. Fried the chicken minimum 5 minutes till the skin appear golden brown.   Prick with a chopstick to see if it’s cooked inside, when the chopstick bounces back, then you should fry a little longer.

IMG_2154Sweet Sour Chicken

1. Marinate the chicken ( you can also use pork) with garlic and chicken stock
2. Prepare the sauce = 1 table spoon of sugar, 4 table spoon ketchup, pineapple ( in a can or fresh, whatever you prefer), onions and 1 tablespoon of vinegar ( add more to your preference) and mix it all together
3. Before frying the chicken mix it with egg and starch.
4. Fry the chicken twice so it would be more crispy
5. Pour the sauce over the fried chicken and TADAAA

I hope you all would enjoy the recipe and let me know if you tried it =) xoxo

Carpe Diem – Breakfast Noodles <3

Noodles, noodles, noodles! I love noodles in all shapes and flavors As a matter of fact, I always have a stock of different kinds noodles at home. They taste great boiled, fried or even as a salad.
I wanted to share a recipe for my breakfast noodles, which I make really often. A healthy and fresh salad to start your day. Very simple, clean and a great way to finish whatever small bits of vegetable you have left in the fridge.

yumminess in a bowl!
yumminess in a bowl!

It’s YUM, healthy and a great way start your morning!!

Breakfast Noodles Continue reading “Carpe Diem – Breakfast Noodles <3”